Different Types Of Child Rearing Styles

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byCarole/ 24 Nov 2019

Different Types Of Child Rearing Styles

Most of the parents may be confused but concerned about rearing their child. Parenting can be an intimidating task and if you have two kids then you may be even more confused on the type of child rearing style that you need to follow.

Sometimes, two kids reared at same house grow up to have astoundingly dissimilar personalities but at times two children reared at entirely different conditions grow up to have similar personalities.

This is because the child rearing styles followed by the parent influences the child’s personalities. Experts have identified four different child rearing styles and before adopting one style for your child, you should know the different styles completely.

Most of the parents adopt one among the three parenting styles of authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting or child rearing style. As per experts there is one more child rearing style called uninvolved parenting.

Different Types Of Child Rearing Styles

Authoritarian Child Rearing Style

Authoritarian type of parenting is one of the commonly adopted children rearing style and in this style parents expect blind obedience by the child and also expect complete authority over the children. These parents believe that there should be proper boundaries, structure, firm discipline and strict routines.

Authoritarian child rearing style have high level of clear parental authority and the children have no role in making family or personal decision and they are simply expected to obey their parents.

Most of the authoritarian parents fail to explain the need of their rules and the kids reared with this style becomes proficient and obedient, but have lower social competence, happiness and self-esteem.

Authoritative Child Rearing Style

Authoritative child rearing style is considered as the most ideal child rearing technique. The parents who follow this style also establish strict guidelines and rules for their children, but they are more democratic and would be ready to respond to their child’s queries.

Whenever the children fails to meet the rules and regulations, these parents explain the necessity of these rules to the kid in a more nurturing and forgiving manner.

The disciplinary methods adopted by authoritative parents are supportive and they prefer their child to be assertive, self-regulated, socially responsible and co-operative. Authoritative parenting develops happy children, who are able to take decisions and be successful in life.

Permissive Child Rearing Styles

Permissive child rearing techniques are just opposite to that of authoritarian styles and these parents are very flexible and relaxed, they have least expectations of self-control and maturity from their children rather they focus on developing the spontaneity and creativity of their children.

Most of the permissive parents are responsive, lenient, nurturing and communicate with their children like a friend rather than a parent. Permissive parents allow lot of control and power to the kid, but it does not mean they are neglectful and careless.

Permissive child rearing makes kids with low self-regulation and happiness and most of these kids perform poorly in school and experience problems with they encounter and authority.

Uninvolved Child Rearing Style

This child rearing style has very few demands, little communication and low responsiveness. Such parents meet the basic needs of the children and usually remain detached from the kid’s life.

In certain cases these parents may even neglect the needs of the kids or reject them. The children developed through uninvolved child rearing lack self-control, remain less competent and have low self-esteem.

Even though authoritative child rearing style is considered as the best child rearing style, everyone won’t adopt this style. This is because child rearing styles of the parent is developed from his or her background like family size, culture, socioeconomic status, personality, religion and educational level etc.