How To Treat Eczema On The Feet

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byCarole/ 30 Aug 2020

How To Treat Eczema On The Feet

Eczema on the feet and hands is also referred to as Dyshidrotic eczema. The condition is characterized by painful and itchy blisters on the feet. Thais form of acute dermatosis is characterized by tiny pus filled blisters along with skin dryness, skin thickening, redness and cracked skin.

This skin problem can cause extreme problem and make walking around and moving extremely painful. It is often accompanied by secondary bacterial infections especially around the nails.

Factors That Cause Eczema On Feet

One of the major factors that lead to persistent eczema on the feet is sweating. Sweat retention due to improper footwear especially during the warm, humid months is one of the major causes of eczema on feet. In addition to this allergic reaction to certain foods such as fish, eggs or peanuts or fabrics such as polyester can lead to allergic contact dermatitis on the feet. Sometimes when the skin on the feet is exposed to certain irritants like chemicals or certain soaps or laundry products, it can develop irritant contact dermatitis and eczema.

Eczema on the feet can also be the result of certain hereditary factors or affect people suffering from health problems like varicose veins. It is important to treat eczema on feet as soon as possible. Untreated Dyshidrotic eczema can lead to secondary bacterial infections and other foot problems.

Medical Treatment For Dyshidrotic Eczema

Topical Medication

To treat eczema on feet certain emollients such as lotions and creams can be prescribed by your dermatologist or chiropodist. These topical medications help in soothing and relieving problems like dry and itchy skin. Elidel and Protopic are some topical non steroid medications that can help in controlling eczema on feet and hands. They are easily available at medical stores and can be used after consulting the doctor. In case of severe and persistent eczema the doctor may recommend topical steroids containing zinc oxide and cortisone.

Oral Medications

In case the topical medications fail to resolve the problem, the dermatologist may try oral steroids. This is however the last resort and is often prescribed once all other measures fail. One of the common problems associated with eczema is itching. However scratching can often worsen the problem and lead to secondary infections. To avoid this and alleviate the desire for scratching, oral antihistamines can be prescribed.

Other than these methods laser therapy and photo therapy using UVA and UVB light can be used to prevent and control scaling caused by foot eczema.

Home Remedies For Foot Eczema

To relieve the itching and soreness caused by the painful blisters, try applying cold compresses or coconut oil to the affected part. Soaking your feet in a foot soak made with sea salt or vinegar can help in relaxing and cooling your itchy dry feet.

If the foot eczema is caused by exposure to chemicals in soaps and body washes then try cleaning your feet with an oatmeal bath or aloe vera gel. In addition to this keep your feet clean and moisturized.

To avoid eczema on the feet, try to avoid scratching or bursting the pus filled blisters. Exposure to chemicals and soaps should be avoided. To control excessive sweating use cotton socks and avoid woolen or synthetic fibers.